They're made of lipstick, plastic and paint
a touch of secret in their eyes
All your life, all your life all you've asked
When's your daddy gonna talk to you
she was living in an other world
Tryin' to get her message through
No-one heard a single word you said
they should've seen it in your eyes
What was going round your head
Ooh, she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast
All those things she couldn't say
Ooh she's a little runaway
A different line every night, guaranteed to blow your mind
I see you out on the streets
Combing for a wild time
So you sit home alone 'cause there's nothing left that you can do
There's only pictures hung in the shadows
Left there to look at you
You know she likes the lights at night on the neon Broadway signs
She don't really mind
It's only love she hopes to find
Ooh, she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast
All those things she couldn't say
Ooh she's a little runaway
No-one heard a single word you said
They should have seen it in your eyes
What was going round your head
Ooh, she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast
All those things he couldn't say
Ooh she's a little runaway
Daddy's girl learned fast
Now she was the night away
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