Weathercock - JETHRO TULL

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# Lyric language: ????
Good morning Weathercock
How'd you fare last night?
Did the cold wind bite you
Did you face up to the fright
When the leaves spin from October
And whip around your tail?
Did you shake from the blast
And did you shiver through the gale?

Give us direction, the best of goodwill
Put us in touch with fair winds
Sing to us softly, hum evening's song
Tell us what the blacksmith has done for you

Do you simply reflect changes
In the patterns of the sky
Or is it true to say the weather heeds
The twinkle in your eye?
Do you fight the rush of winter
And hold snowflakes at bay?
Do you lift the dawn sun from the fields
And help him on his way?

Good morning Weathercock, make this day bright
Put us in touch with your fair winds
Sing to us softly, hum evening's song
Point the way to better days we can share with you
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