Half A World Away - REM

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# Lyric language: English
I don't know where to start; there's just so much to say
And no - one's home so I can indulge again
I don't know where to stop; I never really tried
Discarding these clothes of weathered pride
You call me delicate - I'll break my own bones
Don't talk to me about being alone (when I'm)
Half the world away. Waiting for your call
Picking up the phone - there's no - one there at all
'cause you're half the world away. And further every day
I'm just a dumb delay when I'm half the world away
I pin your picture up. I see you on the screen
I cast myself with you in every dream
A promise is too much - they're all but pretty lies -
So worthless when my mind's eye is going blind
As I sing this song I wonder if you'll hear : but you'd never go se near (when I'm)
And though we're poles apart I won't give up just get
You'll never hide so don't forget (that I'm)
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